Price page information

The price page shows an up-to-date list of cryptocurrencies, their current market price, and their percentage change over a given time (the default is 24 hours). The list is ordered by market cap by default, but you can also sort it by top gainers, top losers, or by tradable assets on Coinbase.

If you’re signed in, you can also select the Star icon to add an asset to your Watchlist. Your Watchlist appears on the Coinbase home screen and, if you choose, you can receive price alerts about each watched asset on iOS or Android with the Coinbase mobile app. 

On the price page, you can also select an individual asset (for example, this is the price page for Bitcoin). On this page, you’ll find a price chart as well as the market cap, 24-hour trading volume, circulating supply, and all-time high for that asset.

For some assets, we also have a short description, news articles, and useful links to other resources such as the asset’s official website or whitepaper. Links and news content are prepared by third parties that are not affiliated with Coinbase or any of its affiliates and Coinbase is not responsible for its content.

If you’re signed in and viewing a tradable asset, you’ll see additional information that’s derived from Coinbase and Coinbase Pro data and is only available on Coinbase.

  • Trading activity shows the percentage of Coinbase customers who increased or decreased their net position in an asset over the past 24 hours through trading.

  • Typical hold time shows the median time that Coinbase customers typically hold an asset before selling it or sending it to another account or address. This time can be driven by any number of factors, including but not limited to individual financial circumstances, risk appetite, investment strategy, and taxes.

  • Popularity on Coinbase shows how many Coinbase customers hold an asset compared to other assets. For example, when this article was written, Bitcoin was “#1 most held,” meaning that more customers held Bitcoin in their Coinbase account than any other asset.

  • Price correlation measures the tendency of other asset prices to change at the same time as the asset shown on the page. Correlation is calculated using the Pearson correlation with USD order books over the last 90 days, and is measured on a scale of -100% to 100%. All correlation figures are historical, are not an indicator of future correlation, and are not an endorsement of any particular investment strategy.

All of the content on our price pages is provided to you for informational purposes only. The content on these pages does not constitute a recommendation by Coinbase to buy, sell, or hold any security, financial product, or instrument referenced in the content.



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