ID document verification
Why am I being asked to verify my identity?
ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep the community safe. It also adds an extra layer of security by ensuring no one but you links your payment information such as your bank account or credit/debit card.
As part of our commitment to remain the most trusted cryptocurrency platform, all IDs must be verified through the Coinbase website or mobile app. We do not accept emailed copies of ID for verification purposes.
Identity Upload Troubleshooting
When uploading your photo ID:
- Ensure that your document is valid and not expired, without hole punches or other modifications
- Ensure your document is in a well-lit area without glare. Natural sunlight is best
- Photograph the entire document and avoid cutting off any corners or sides
- Ensure the ID is fully visible and in focus
- Use the Chrome browser to complete the verification
- If having trouble with the camera on a desktop or laptop computer, try selecting Mobile Camera during the verification process. This will send a verification link to your phone number so you can use your mobile phone’s camera to complete the process
- Try using your mobile device. In some instances you can use the mobile app to complete the ID verification step using your phone’s camera. The Identity Verification section can be found under Settings in the app
- Make sure the app or program you use to take the pictures does not add any logos or watermarks
- Do not obscure any information on the ID
- If you make a mistake, refresh the page to restart the process. Do not attempt to complete the process if you know there is an error
- For US customers, only US state-issued ID such as a Driver’s License or Identification cards are accepted. We are unable to accept US passports
- For customers outside of the US, we are unable to accept scanned or otherwise saved image files. If you do not have a webcam on your computer, in most instances the mobile app or Mobile Camera option can be used to complete this step
When providing a "selfie" photo of your face:
Note that this may be required for account recovery if you lose your 2-Factor Authentication device or additional security is required for an action you are trying to perform.
- Make sure the light is coming from in front of you, not behind you, such that your face is clearly visible without backlighting
- Face the camera directly and include from your shoulders to the top of your head, similar to a passport or ID photo
- Use a plain wall as a background if possible
- Do not wear sunglasses or hats
- If you’re wearing glasses in your ID photo, wear them in your selfie photo. If you are not wearing glasses in your ID photo, remove them for your selfie photo
ID Verification FAQs
I see an error "Unable to upload your ID"
This error indicates that there was an issue connecting to our ID-verification service. When you see this, please wait 15 minutes and try to verify again. If there is a larger issue we’ll be sure to update with the latest information.
I already uploaded my ID and am being asked to upload it again
In some cases, we require an additional verification in order to enable or continue trading services. This additional verification must be started from the website.
You will be prompted to select an ID type, and then an upload method. To complete this step you may either use a webcam or you can choose to receive a text message to upload the images via mobile device by selecting the Mobile Camera option.
The country listed on my Coinbase account is wrong
To change the country on your Coinbase account, go here and follow the prompts to verify your ID. Select the appropriate document type for your country and follow the prompts to complete the upload.
Learn more about updating your country with this help article.
My ID is from one country, but I live in a different country
If your ID document is issued by a country other than the country you are a resident of, it may not be possible to complete ID verification at this time. We’re always working on improving our verification service and hope to support your specific situation as soon as possible.
I tried uploading my ID and it says I have to wait 24 hours to try again
If your account has been locked out from completing the ID verification for 24 hours, unfortunately we do not have a way to bypass this restriction. Please wait 24 hours and try the upload again. If you keep encountering issues with the verification, it may be necessary to follow some of the troubleshooting tips above to complete the ID verification, such as trying a different browser or device.
I’ve provided my photo ID, but I’m still unable to buy or sell
We may need to verify some additional information. Please:
- Ensure the Personal Details section is completed on this page
- Ensure the information on the Buys and Sells disabled page is accurate