How can I contact Coinbase support?


You can contact us in several ways:

Submit a request here. For the fastest resolution, please:

  1. Submit your request using the email address you use to sign in to Coinbase
  2. Choose the most relevant category and sub-category
  3. Provide as much detail as possible regarding your issue

Please do not submit multiple tickets for the same issue—we will get to your ticket as quickly as possible. 


We use Twitter to provide status updates regarding Coinbase products. For security and privacy reasons, we’re unable to assist with account-specific issues via Twitter. Please submit an email request for inquiries specific to your account.


We can only support, over the phone, issues with compromised accounts. For all other inquires, please submit an email request.

Note that Coinbase Support will never make outbound calls to customers. If you are contacted by someone that claims to be Coinbase Support, please report them by submitting an email report.

If you’re not satisfied with the contact options listed above, or you’d like to submit a formal complaint, you can get in touch with the Department of Financial Services—their contact info is listed below. 

The Coinbase Support phone number can be found on our email request form.

Department of Financial Services

The New York State Department of Financial Services
One State Street, New York, NY 10004-1511
+1 (212) 709-1540
Please visit for additional information




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